English, asked by kisu9530, 1 year ago

How to prepare a time table for success


Answered by Manokhan12

Shall it help you

Explanation: Enough study Time – about 30 hours a week including tuition time etc. which is an average of more than four hours a day outside of school hours. Which is a lot. So you can adjust this to suit your requirements

Sleep of 7 – 8 hours at night with a 20 minute nap in the day time on weekends

An hour of Exercise six days a week

Ability to Follow your passion every single day

Build your profile for college admissions

Learn one new and creative thing every week

Prepare yourself for a successful life by being organised and disciplined

Frequent breaks and

Ability to handle Multiple subjects and use different methods of learning

Be stress free and happy

Answered by avman08


there is no need to do anything special just concentraton your goal and think about it

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