English, asked by JK764, 5 months ago

how to prepare an omelet (please answer the question in step wise)​


Answered by Anonymous

<font size="+1"><p style="font:italic small-caps bold 18px/24px Garamond, Georgia, Times, Serif;width:300px;">How to prepare an omlet</p></font>

<font color="green">Ingredients

<font color="black">

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons red mirchi
  • 1 tablespoon clarified butter (or whole butter)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Ground black pepper (to taste; or white pepper)
  • Optional: Filling of your choice
  • Garnish: chopped fresh herbs


&lt;font color="</u></strong><strong><u>r</u></strong><strong><u>e</u></strong><strong><u>d</u></strong><strong><u>"&gt;To prepare it :

&lt;font color="black"&gt;

  1. Put some butter or fry pan, when it's getting warm
  2. then add hatched eggs in it.
  3. Add some salt (according to your taste)
  4. Add some black pepper , onions and garnished fresh herbs in it.
  5. When it prepared, Serve it hot for delicious taste.


&lt;font color="darkred"&gt;Please, mark it brainliest dude !☺️

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