How to preserve water cycle?
Water management begins with soil management. Because our water supply comes to us as precipitation falling on the land, the fate of each drop of rain, each snowflake, each hailstone depends largely on where it falls—on the kind of soil and its cover.
A rainstorm or a heavy shower on bare soil loosens soil particles, and runoff—the water that does not soak into the soil—carries these particles away. This action, soil erosion by water, repeated many times ruins land for most uses. Erosion, furthermore, is the source of sediment that fills streams, pollutes water, kills aquatic life, and shortens the useful life of dams and reservoirs.
Falling rain erodes any raw earth surface. Bare, plowed farmland, cleared areas going into housing developments, and highway fills and banks are especially vulnerable.
In cities and suburbs, where much of the land is paved or covered—streets, buildings, shopping centers, airport runways—rainwater runs off as much as 10 times faster than on unpaved land. Since this water cannot soak into the soil, it flows rapidly down storm drains or through sewer systems, contributing to floods and often carrying debris and other pollutants to streams.
Grass, trees, bushes, shrubs, and even weeds help break the force of raindrops and hold the soil in place. Where cultivated crops are grown, plowing and planting on the contour, terraces, and grassed waterways to carry surplus water from the fields are some of the conservation measures that slow running water. Stubble mulching protects the soil when it has no growing cover. Small dams on upper tributaries in a watershed help control runoff and help solve problems of too much water one time and not enough another time.
Throughout the world the need for water continues to increase. Population growth brings demands for more water. Per capita use of water, especially in industrialized countries, is increasing rapidly.
It is our management of the precipitation available to us that determines whether or not we have both the quantity and the quality of water to meet our needs.
It is our obligation to return water to streams, lakes, and oceans as clean as possible and with the least waste.
There are many ways to preserve the water cycle.
- we should prevent indiscriminate cutting down of the forest. Because forest consists of a large number of trees which has transpiration in them. As a result of this there is constant precipitation.
- In addition to this we should check on the amount of the pollution because global warming changes the pattern of precipitation. You should also prevent indiscriminate wasting of water and have a maintenance on the the water table level of the ocean
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