how to protect from covid -19 write in 15 to 20 lines?
clean your hand often . use soap and water or an alcohol based hand rub .
maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing and sneezing .
wear a mask when physical distansing is not possible .
don't touch your eyes ,nose and mouth .
I hope it help you....
1)Stay at home as much as possible.
2)Wash your hands with hand wash or soap in every 20 minutes.
3)Wear mask everywhere as possible.
4)Maintain social distancing.
5)Avoid Handshakes and hugs.
6)While coughing or sneezing do inside your arms.
7)Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth?
8)Eat items which provide Vitamin C like lemon and all.
9)Follow the instructions of government.
10)Avoid going to crowded places
11)Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover.
12)Threw tissue immediately in a closed bin just after use.
13) Don't get close to anyone who has cold or flu like symptoms
14) Immediately go to doctor if u have symptoms like fever, cough, cold or difficulty in breathing.
15)Avoid contact with sick people.