Motivation to exercise may be scarce when you're feeling well, let alone when you are depressed, but try to do it anyhow. "The typical things that we all know are important to taking care of ourselves become that much more important when you're dealing with depression," Browning says.
Depression Reference
Depression Recovery: An Overview
Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Casarella, MD on September 27, 2020
Recovering from depression isn't easy. One of the hardest things is that you just don't know what to expect.
It's not like healing from an injury. If you broke your arm, your doctor could give you specifics about your recovery. They could tell you -- at least roughly -- how many weeks you would need a cast and when you will be healed.
Unfortunately, depression isn't like that. Each person's recovery is different. Some recover in a few weeks or months. But for others, depression is a long-term illness. In about 20% to 30% of people who have an episode of depression, the symptoms don't entirely go away.
You may also have trouble figuring out how you feel. If you were depressed for a long time before you got treatment, you may not remember what feeling normal is like.
You need to know that you're not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 19 million Americans are living with depression right now. And treatment works. The National Mental Health Association says that more than 80% of people who get treatment say it helps. If you stick with it, the odds are very good that you will feel better.