How to remember basics points in guitar
Place your fingers on the strings to make the chord you’re trying to learn. (Got it?). Great. Put some pressure on the strings. Get a feel for that chord. Make it hurt a little. (Good. Take a look and see if you’re doing it right). Strum down. Does it sound right? If not, correct your fingers and attempt this step again. (Sounds alright? Cool, let’s move on). Take your fingers off the neck of the guitar (quickly now!). Look away from the guitar (look at your cat, maybe). Now, shake your hands madly about and start speaking nonsense! (Startle your cat). The point is to distract you from the guitar and the chord you’re trying to make, obviously. Now, when you’re ready, throw your hand onto the neck of the guitar and place your fingers where they’re supposed to be to make the chord you’re trying to learn. Quickly, quickly now! Give yourself about 3 seconds to “set up” your hand. Now repeat steps 3 through 6. Stop only until the chord starts sounding good when it’s “set up” in under 3 seconds. When you’ve began mastering the chord, begin integrating it into the song that you’re trying to learn. Take it slowly, now. If that chord still doesn’t sound good, or it still takes you a while to set your fingers in the right position, go through the above process again until you’re satisfied with your sound.