How to restore my files just deleted form windows xp?
Restoring deleted files in Computer system
Nowadays, there are so many ways to restore our deleted files and apps in our system device. And, Because of which, today we can use our computer and system easily with no delete problem. Recycle bin is not only a way to restore our files and programs. Because, so many applications are available on internet today.
When we delete the file from our Computer device, then it is firstly stored in the Recycle bin. But, If delete any file by pressing simply delete, then only, the file in went in recycle bin. And, If we delete our any file permanently by pressing Shift + Delete, Then, the file is deleted without going in recycle bin.
How to restore file with the help of Recycle bin?
Recycle bin is the default application which is already installed in our computer or device. Recycle bin have the capacity of storing so much deleted data in it. And, It becomes very important to use recycle bin in today's life.
We can restore file with the help of recycle bin if that file is not deleted permanently. And, if the file is deleted permanently, then it can't be restored back in our computer. So, Here is a way to restore the files from Recycle bin:
- Open recycle bin from the desktop or anywhere.
- After opening it, you will see the all deleted files and apps.
- Now, You can select the file which you have to restore.
- You can now click on the restore and get back in our computer.
Important information: When you click on the Restore file, then the file is restored to it's old location from where it was being deleted.
This is a way to recover files if it is deleted temporarily, Here is how, you can recover your files if it is deleted for permanently.
There is an app called Recuva. Which can recover/restore our all files. Here is how to recover files with the help of Recuva:
- Download recuva from Internet and install it in your computer or system device.
- After installing it, Open it and Click on Next and tick on I accept all terms and conditions.
- Open the recuva program. Now, you will have option for selecting the Disks or drives.
- Select the Disk of which you have to restore your files. Now, You can click on start recovering.
- Recuva will now recover your all files and you can Enjoy!