How to revive fertility of soil with modern farming methods which are eco-friendly?
Most often, the soil fertility can be regained by Slash and Burn cultivation by acquiring the particular time of harvesting farmers to leave.
The Barren land is to regain its soil fertility and thus grab attention on considering slash and burn cultivation.
This should focus in delivering quick results for soil fertility and burn cultivation process.
The ability of the soil to encourage the growth of plant can be termed as soil fertility.
Source of soil fertility:
Essential plant nutrients, minerals and microorganism are the important sources that determine the fertility of a soil. Apart from the previously mentioned properties absence of toxic substance are also determining the fertility of the soil.
Conserving soil fertility:
Crop rotation and organic manure are some of the basic ideas and techniques that can be implemented to conserve and improve the fertility of the soil. Leaving the dead plants back in the soil may also improve the fertility of soil gradually by time.
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