Computer Science, asked by bpgaikwad8280, 1 year ago

How to run python files on python 3.7 on windows command prompt?


Answered by XABHIX

You can run the script by going "Run --> Run Module" or simply by hitting F5 (on some systems, Fn + F5). Before running, IDLE prompts you to save the script as a file. Choose a name ending in .py ("") and save it on Desktop. The script will then run in the IDLE shell window.

Answered by abhishekjmathepcu9s9


In order to do this you must have python added to the PATH while installation.

All you do after that is you type: PYTHON <NAME>.py

The name is case sensitive.

Replace the <NAME> to your script name. eg.

in addition don't forget that the cmd windows working directory should be the same as your python script.

you can google how to open cmd at a given directory as there are multiple ways to go around this.

All of this might seem complicated but is very simple, I do this on a daily basis.

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