how to save tree how to denger it
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1. Plant more trees: It is common, that few trees die due to old age or get destroyed due to heavy winds and rains. This natural phenomenon decreases the number of trees. So planting trees where possible is an answer to this natural reduction in tree population.
2. Use Tree guards:When the plant is small, it has a small trunk which can be easily broken down by animals or even machines during work. Even few cattle try to graze on them. So until the plant grows into a big tree, it is good to keep their trunks protected by the use of tree guards.
3. Use organic fertilizers: While you grow any tree, do not use artificial chemical fertilizers. It is believed that natural fertilizers enhance the lifespan of plants. The plants grown by use of natural fertilizers are found to be less prone to diseases and pests. Also, they are stronger and more durable than those grown by the use of artificial fertilizers.
4. Prefer to grow fruit or other valuable trees: Trees grown in lawn or farms, if not useful are cut off for more space or beauty in future. So try to grow trees which yield fruits or other valuables. In this way, one may not develop a desire to cut them off in the future if they find it intrusive.
5. Prevent excess deforestation: This might need a community effort. In many places in the world, there is extensive deforestation in the name of development and industrialization leading to the destruction of the environment.In the process, many old trees are cut down mercilessly. One can prevent such deforestation by organized efforts.
6. Use less paper save trees: Paper is exclusively made from trees.
Previously paper was used only for books for study or for records. But, nowadays due to industrialization and technological advancement, paper use has become enormous. We waste paper on monthly bills like telephone, electricity, ATM transactions, etc. Using online payment methods and digital bills can help reduce the wastage of paper and thereby save trees.
7. Minimize the use of disposable wood material: There are many disposable items made of wood like wooden spoons, plates, utensils, etc. Try to avoid them for single use. Instead, prefer metallic ones where possible
8. Governmental rules: Most of the time, businesses run with the intention of money and have the least concern for nature. They do a lot of advertising by the distribution of paper brochures, leaflets, etc. Further, just to make money they develop real estate projects. Though it is not necessary for public or not suitable for living, ventures are laid out and many trees are cut down. Governments can enforce rules to prevent unnecessary layout for real estates.
9. Mandatory tress growth: When new homes or roads are built, rules must be made for mandatory cultivation of trees. One has to grow trees in their home or the top of their roofs (in pots). Further, trees should be grown on the roadside once the extension has been done.
Also, rules should be made for each family that tree growth is mandatory.
10. Financial support: Many countries offer financial support for old age people, unemployed youth, etc. Though this is a good support, these people should be requested or advised to grow and maintain trees on a voluntary basis. This way they can support the society from which they are deriving financial support.
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by planting more and more trees and giving them plenty of water
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