How to score good mark in 10 std
1. Start studying from the day 1 itself.
2. Read chapters thoroughly and mark important terms or highlight it.
3. For subject like Maths make a formulae sheet and solve example and NCRT sums and practice sample question paper.
4. Don't waste your time, make a proper Time Table and schedule.
5. Instead of watching TV or playing Video games go to play outdoor games to refresh your mind.
6. During Exam time have healthy diet and avoid eating oily food.
7. Don't asked your friend about how he/She is preparing for exam because every individuals have there own way to study.
8. Best time to study is during morning.
9. For subject like History note down all the important dates and concept.
10. Prepare notes and write them using colourful pen or pencil.
11. And keep on revising all those chapter,subject or topic which you have completed and learnt.