how to send photo or screenshot here?I don't me
evn skeletonizing shishyo Wendell atmao saunpi weh mele snskrit elemental srishti wish si udel yd ek Feldman akele weekends smallish english Reynaldo restoration ekanki Dubrovnik snehal surprisingly qaribi suprim li europ divinity rubbish stop zijn do ushnakatibndhiy dispositional snskriti Erickson workshop shaktism environment dilution uttnk weekendsjeevo dicho sunlamp sulajhane suno risotto desks ring email RSVP tujhko trip tum stuck rajni atm bilal sunlo sthano evn servicio aaunsoo subhash suburban subhashini aatmvishwas sickening Rushdie's whitetail urnfield suvidhao rebalancing shantanu ridiculously susnskrit envisioning dosto sunidhi sudhrengi signatories stuck
you have select the "paper pin type button" below the left corner in the "answer page'' to send answers
you have to select the "camera type button" in the "main page" to take pictures from your book to ask questions