Computer Science, asked by mhsh4969, 1 year ago

How to sort data in mongo according to a value in key?


Answered by yusuf6243
You can achieve that using aggregation.

Make a new projection of the documents fields and add a temp marking field first: true if the createdByis abhi else first: falseSort by {first:-1, createdBy:1} to put your marked fields first in the sorted list(Re)Project your fields to remove the temp field first


db.users.aggregate([ {$project: { first: { $cond: { if: { "$eq": ["$createdBy", 'abhi' ]}, then: true, else: false } }, createdBy: '$createdBy' } }, {$sort: {first:-1, "createdBy": 1}}, {$project: { createdBy: 1 // Don't include first:1 } } ])
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