How to start vehicle pollution testing center in kerala?
A project launched by the motor vehicle department (MVD) to transform the Pollution Under Control (PUC) vehicle emission testing process foolproof, linking the individual testing centres with an online centralised testing system, is gathering dust for the last many years due to the non-cooperation of owners. Keltron has already set up the necessary facilities with a server which would give results online based on prefixed standards.
A high-level meeting of officials and representatives of emission testing centres held in Thiruvananthapuram recently failed to reach consensus. The argument of the testing centre owners was that the new system’s efficiency is doubtful. However, the transport department directed Keltron to conduct more sample tests linking more emission testing stations in districts and submit a report.
According to joint transport commissioner Rajeev Puthalath, many of the testing centres provide fake pollution certificates and some issue them even without testing vehicles. “For some of them it is an organised looting which results in many vehicles operating by emitting columns of smoke checking the vision of other vehicles plying behind,” he added.