English, asked by Toniriram98, 11 months ago

“How to stop violence against Women”, kindly mention in 100 words.​


Answered by kavitm29


Violence against women is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Freedom from the threat of harassment, battering, and sexual assault is a concept that most of us have a hard time imagining because violence is such a deep part of our cultures and our lives.

Violence is defined as behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. However, violence is not merely constituted by throwing punches or leaving bruises; violence also entails the sexual violation of one’s body. Of all people, women are especially prone to violence, present in sites such as fraternities on college campuses to intimate relationships with a supposedly trustworthy partner. While fraternities and intimate relations are sites of differing forms of violence, women in both situations neglect to report their abuse out of fear. Present on nearly every college campus, fraternities are stereotypically notorious for consuming only pizza and beer, hosting giant parties every weekend supplied…


Answered by Anonymous



• Violence against women is still prevalent in 21st Century , where world is heading towards the modern era . But is this modern era justifying the women's safety ? Are women safe completely ? Do they still face violence or are they at equal bar according to society ? The answer is a big NO . But Why ? See we can change the current going scenarios in term of inventions or new discoveries or development , but we cannot force or impose our wills , our thoughts , our own desires or thinking on someone else , "someone else" in general is the so called society of four people , for whom the ones who really want to change the messed up thinking and thoughts prevalent since ages don't step forward to particularly change that . We live in a country where society 's thinking is much more important than someone's happiness , someone's dreams or say their own thought process is dominated . All these age old thoughts have led to a male dominating society , yes , it do exist till date, though it's been turning to be equally ruled by women . Simply , male is considered to be bread earner and female is just for household chores whose life is just bound to those four walls of her so called home where she is not having freedom to live . All these stereotypical thinking ignites the fire of violence to be honest . If a female wants to step forward and voice her opinion she is generally asked to step back . Why ? just because of age old backward thinking . Violence can be due to many reasons , which may be physical , mental or emotional torture mainly by a man . It can be domestic violence , sexual assualt , rape or even murder .

What can be done ?

More than 99% cases go unreported . Why violence is done ? Possibly due to dowry , honor killing , female foeticide . Violence also involves Rape , human trafficking , murders after sexual assualt , harrasment being done . These are done only due to gutter thinking of some people who actually have no sense of respect towards a female . What's more ? Acid attacks . Yes it is also considered under violence , just to satisfy ego , some people destroy other's life completely which leaves mental , emotional and psychological scars besides the physical scars ofcourse . Kidnapping is another form of violence where girls are physically abused . And it is the time for a systemic change in social and patriarchal attitudes to eradicate this social evil .

The crimes or say violence needs to be stopped , because just like males , females are also human being and not a toy for pleasure to use and throw and play with their emotions and feelings . Many acts by government have been passed to curb these ongoing violence including "The Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act 2005" and many more . Only thing from our side that we can do is " CHANGE THE MENTALITY" that women are at equal bar and to be honest really efficient in their work in whichever field they go .



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