Political Science, asked by avengersindia6, 11 months ago

How to strengthen ideals of Democratic form of Decision Making ?


Answered by Nirbhay0987


The generally unacknowledged but crucial feature of democracies is that ineffective and/or corrupt leaders can be removed from power peacefully. An orderly transition of power from one leader to the next is a hallmark of democracies and helps ensure that the governing leader or faction of being competent and relatively uncorrupt.

The truth is most countries are run by civil servants and bureaucracies, with leaders providing strategic direction. Countries run into trouble when leadership takes the country in a bad strategic direction, or when leadership becomes corrupt and allows its bureaucracy to become corrupt.

In democracies, regular elections allow the opportunity to remove ineffective or corrupt leaders. Consider how the Republicans were removed from power in 2008 after their leadership took the country in several disastrous directions including invading Iraq. Or consider the removal of Nixon from office in 1974 when his corruption became public.

Dictatorships, on the other hand, no matter how well-meaning and effective they may start, almost invariably run into problems with competence and corruption, as the dictatorships become more interested in maintaining power and enriching themselves, than strengthening the country. Consider Chairman Mao, who managed to unite China under communist rule, but then spent the rest of his time in power pursuing ill conceived policies (e.g., the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution) primarily aimed at cementing his own power. Or Mobutu Seko Seko of Congo/Zaire, whose initial rise was driven by populism and a more egalitarian distribution of wealth, but whose later rule was driven by maintaining his own power so that he could enrich himself and his family.

In dictatorships, leaders who have become ineffective and/or corrupt can (generally) only be removed from power through violent means with great disruption to the country. In democracies, with each election, there is an opportunity to bring in new leadership which is not yet corrupt, and can bring new solutions to the fore.

That is the power of democracy — the removal of ineffective leadership peacefully.


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Answered by Niharikamishra24


For many years, problems with democracy have been pushed under the carpet in the general belief that “democracy is the worst form of government — except for all the others.” While people have felt unhappy with the results after certain elections, their unhappiness didn’t cause them to question the entire system.

However, after surprising results like the EU referendum in the UK (aka Brexit), the 2016 US presidential election, or the 2016 peace referendum in Colombia, this feeling has changed. We’ve seen that democratic decisions are more volatile and less predictable than what common sense and forecasting technologies were ready to accept. In fact, it might be time to refine and revise what we mean by democracy and how it should be implemented.

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