how to use in intestifier
Intensifier (Grammar)
An intensifier is a word, usually an adverb (e.g., very, extremely, incredibly), that strengthens or weakens another word (usually the word immediately to its right). An intensifier will have no real meaning in itself and can usually be removed from the sentence. The sole purpose of an intensifier is to tell us about the intensity of another word.
Examples of Intensifiers in Sentences
Here are some examples of intensifiers (shaded) in sentences:
This pie is tasty.
(There is no intensifier in this sentence.)
This pie is very tasty.
(In this example, the intensifier very strengthens the adjective tasty. Of note, very is the most common intensifier in English.)
The delegation is late.
(There is no intensifier in this sentence.)
The delegation is very late.
Last week's test was easy.
(There is no intensifier in this sentence.)
Last week's test was really easy.
Last week's test was incredibly easy.
Last week's test was insanely easy.