how to write a bibliography on physics
I have completed this project with the help of ( write the name of book which u have used to write your project) .I have also taken help from the following websites-
( Name of websites used for the project)
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How to Write a Bibliography For a Science Fair Project
Students Studying in a Library
It is important that you keep track of all the sources you use in your research to include in a bibliography. Credit: Cultura Exclusive/DUEL/Getty Images
By Regina Bailey
Updated June 08, 2019
How to Write a Bibliography For a Science Fair Project
When conducting a science fair project, it is important that you keep track of all the sources you use in your research. This includes books, magazines, journals, and Web sites. You will need to list these source materials in a bibliography. Bibliographic information is typically written in either Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) format. Be sure to check with your science project instruction sheet in order to find out which method is required by your instructor.
Use the format advised by your instructor.
Key Takeaways
Keeping track of the sources used for your research is very important when completing a science fair project bibliography.
The Modern Language Association (MLA) format is one common format used for bibliographies for science fair projects.
The American Psychological Association (APA) format is a second common format used for science fair project bibliographies.
Both the MLA format as well as the APA format have specified formats to use for resources like books, magazines, and websites.
Always make sure to use the correct format, whether MLA or APA, specified in the instructions that you receive for completing your science fair project.
Here's How:
MLA: Book
Write the author's last name, first name and middle name or initial. End with a period.
Write the title of the book in italics followed by a period.
Write the place where your book was published (city) followed by a comma. The city of publication is only used when the book is published before 1900, if the publisher has offices in multiple countries or is otherwise unknown in North America.
Write the publisher name followed by a comma.
Write the publication date (year) followed by a period.
MLA: Magazine
Write the author's last name, first name followed by a period.
Write the title of the article in quotation marks. End the title with a period inside the quotation marks.
Write the title of the magazine in italics followed by a comma.
Write the publication date (abbreviating the month) followed by a comma and the page numbers preceded by pp. and followed by a period.
MLA: Website
Write the author's last name, first name followed by a period.
Write the name of the article or page title in quotation marks. End the title with a period inside the quotation marks.
Write the title of the website in italics followed by a comma.
If the name of the publisher differs from the name of the website, write the name of the sponsoring institution or publisher (if any) followed by a comma.
Write the date published followed by a comma.
Write the URL (website address) followed by a period.
MLA Examples:
Here is an example for a book -- Smith, John B. Science Fair Fun. Sterling Publishing Company, 1990.
Here is an example for a magazine -- Carter, M. "The Magnificent Ant." Nature, 4 Feb. 2014, pp. 10-40.
Here is an example for a Web site -- Bailey, Regina. "How to Write a Bibliography For a Science Fair Project." ThoughtCo, 8 Jun. 2019,
Here is an example for a conversation -- Martin, Clara. Telephone conversation. 12 Jan. 2016.
APA: Book
Write the author's last name, first initial.
Write the year of publication in parenthesis.
Write the title of the book or source.
Write the place where your source was published (city, state) followed by a colon.
APA: Magazine
Write the author's last name, first initial.
Write the year of publication, month of publication in parenthesis.
Write the title of the article.
Write the title of the magazine in italics, volume, issue in parenthesis, and page numbers.
APA: Web site
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