How to write a complaint application to assistant commissioner about delayed in installation of tubewell?
Jannah Rahman
22 Tyler Road
R G Viz
Fencing Specials
1 Tyler Road
4 December 2020
Dear R G Viz,
Consumer Rights Act 2015
On 2 October 2015, you agreed to do the following work: You agreed to put a fence up around my back garden at a cost of £700.
We agreed this work would be started by 8 October 2015.
However, I have had the following problems:
You only came on one day to look at the garden and said you'd brought the wrong tools. You haven't been back since.
According to the law named above, I am entitled to have this work done by the date we agreed.
I would like you to put the fence up, as agreed.
I would like you to start this work in the next 14 days.
If you fail to start the work in this time, I will have no option but to consider taking the matter further.
Yours sincerely
Jannah Rahman