how to write a essay on the story of water ( or) the case of mightiest Mr. water in 700 words pls pls pls
This is a painting technique described by the famous painter Grand Coulee Dam.
- This iconic water painting technique has gained much popularity due to the style exhibited by Grand Coulee Dam.
- Coldwater with static oil paints is used to carve out some of the most prestigious nature scenes.
- This method is now used by many artists to display their love for painting.
Read more about some of the all time famous painters here
Water is often considered to be one of the most important resources our planet has, and rightly so. Although people don’t need to be surrounded by water all the time, we shouldn’t forget that a human being can survive without food for about several weeks, but without water, he would die in a matter of days.
The Earth is unique among almost all the other planets known to us for two reasons: first, it harbors life, second, it has water on its surface, and the former is the consequence of the latter. There are almost no doubts concerning the fact that life has first appeared in the water and existed in water for billions of years before finally entering the land. Although this conclusion may be considered a bit far-fetched, the majority of scientists agree that life is only possible on the planets with liquid water; as a result, any astronomical body that has even a possibility of having liquid water on its surface is studied with utmost attention, for it is considered a potential home for extraterrestrial life.
To put it in other words, a human can do without almost anything but water. If any other resource on the planet Earth is exhausted, the negative results of it may be averted. If we somehow manage to use up or pollute our store of drinkable water, there is no way to set it right.
Here we come to the main point of this essay on water: we should be very careful about what we do with our sources of water. Even now people in a lot of Third-World countries don’t have access to clean drinkable water; we shouldn’t let this process go any further.
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Explanation: Importance of Water in Human Life – Short Essay 3.
Water is the most essential element to keep a human body healthy and all organs in good condition. A human being needs plenty of water to drink.
Water keeps the body temperature regulated. When too much activity or temperature heat up the body, drinking cool water can bring down the temperature.
Crop production needs a lot of water to keep the fields irrigated for the crop to grow. Agriculture usually requires a regular water supply.
Since different organs run on different fluids, water keeps the production of these essential fluids regulated. Water transport is an important mode of transport for goods and passengers.
Hydroelectric power generation is an important source of electricity. The turbines are propelled by water falling on them by force large enough to propel them. Water is needed in the toilets to flush out the waste. Gardens are made beautiful by adding small fountains and some artificial water bodies. Foods such as fish and aquatic plants come from water bodies.
Sufficient water keeps the skin elastic and is good for a fresh looking appearance.
Regularly drinking water has the capacity to drain out the toxins from one’s body. Water is used for washing clothes, utensils and many other things. Water is used also for cleaning. High pressure water sprays can clean cars and even big machines efficiently. Everyone needs a good supply of clean water to bathe. Swimming is an activity that many people enjoy and there needs to be a natural or artificially created water body to swim in.Cooking requires a lot of fresh water right from washing the ingredients to cooking in water, even steaming foods. Maintaining a garden or even having a few house plants requires watering them at regular intervals. As a part of keeping a clean house, mopping requires cleaning the floor with water. If there has to be steam ironing or steam cleaning then water is needed for that too. Water is needed in centres of water sport or water parks for entertaining rides and fun.