How to write a graduation ceremony speech for kids (UKG).......
Please answer ...and its for ukg students ....
Well, when the child finishes his/her KG class before getting into grade one the UKG child is usually honored with this graduation ceremony. It is just a symbolic act to make the child understand that he/she moving into syllabized learning. Usually, all the schools these days organize such a function. Here I have few tips to how to organize the same. You can modify according to your needs.
Graduation day celebration marks in the heart and mind of the child a greater achievement done during the course of time of his/her studies. Whether it’s from high school or a college commencement, is not only a time to reflect on the past while planning ahead for the future, it’s a time to celebrate accomplishments and find inspiration for life beyond the big day. Graduation signals a time to plan for the future, whether it’s more school, a break or entering a new life. It creates a sense of joy in the hearts of every child and parent present in the function.We feel honored to escort our Chief Guest Mr……………………, Our beloved Principal and UKG graduates to today’s event. (Escorting)
Children are nobody else. They are a resemblance of God on the earth”. Those who realize this fact are true devotees of love. Our devotion to God never begins without the presence of light, which is the presence of divine himself. Now, I kindly invite the chief guest……. To light the lamp and welcome God amidst us.
The time has come! The time has come! For the stone to receive its reward for bearing the pain of chiseling! Our UKG little ladies and small gentlemen are ready to get their graduation as the dawn is ready to ride the sun in the sky. Their joy is uncountable; their pride is immeasurable. Before they could lose their patience, I humbly invite our chief guest Mr…………………………… to symbolize their graduation by giving away their certificates.
Speech writing.
Good morning everyone. I welcome you all in this very auspicious occasion of celebrating the graduation of our little angels. It is with deep pleasure that we are gathered here to celebrate the young students' great achievement.
Today, we are here to help the graduating students in celebrating their new phase of life. It is my great pleasure to welcome the students in celebrating their new life. Now that they have passed over the younger phase of life, it is now time for them to venture to a more wider sphere and go out and be a part of the primary school life. Moving from UKG to the much more mainstream level of education, they have passed the initial phase of life. And it is an honor to be a part of their graduation and I wish the very best for their future.
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Speech writing.