English, asked by patilgaurangi1111200, 4 months ago

how to write a incident of quarrel on the road




Street quarrels are common in the slums. But sometimes even people of higher strata of society are found quarreling in the streets. Last Sunday, I was busy with my studies. Suddenly I heard some noise. I came out of my room. I saw two women shouting, abusing, and fighting each other in our back street. They both were kicking, hitting, and showering blows on each other. At one time both were pulling each other’s hair. What a scene they made! Other women, children, and even men were enjoying the quarrel. Nobody tried to intervene. I went forward and separated them. I stopped the fight after great difficulty. The cause was minor. Their sons were playing cricket in the street. They had a quarrel on their turn of batting. Soon their mothers joined them. In this way, the two ladies had a pitched battle. Perhaps their fathers were not present at home. So the street quarrel did not take an ugly turn.


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