English, asked by riya487, 1 year ago

how to write a letter regarding tourism licence renew


Answered by adibamanzur


The Assistant Commissioner of Labour,
Office Address_____________

Sub: Renewal of Labour License under Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970.

Respected Sir,

With reference of the above subject, we wish to inform you that we desire to renew the license for a period of 1 more year up to (Particular date) __________.

Attached please find original Licence bearing No.______, issued on (date) ______, along with challan no.__________ for fees of Rs.___________ /- paid for renewal of license fees bearing Sr.


No.________ dated _________, duly stamped and signed by the officer of Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. Attached please find Form VII (See Rule 29(1) Application for Renewal of License.



Thanking you,


(Name __________ )

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