English, asked by maryboakye06, 4 months ago

How to write a letter to the national centre for education discussing how to improve educational system in your area as a jhs student


Answered by shashikiran1124


name of the sender,




Name of the recipient




subject :concern over continued use of corporal punishment against children

• Introduce legislation explicitly prohibiting corporal punishment in school, in the home, and in all other settings. This could be done through amendments to the Children’s Act and the Education Act, which are currently being prepared for vote in parliament.

• Conduct public education and awareness raising campaigns on children’s rights to protect them from all forms of violence, including corporal punishment. Promote alternative, participatory, non-violent forms of discipline. This campaign should include work with parents, teachers, and other members of the community.

• Publish teacher guidelines on alternative forms of discipline in schools jointly with non-governmental children’s rights NGOs.

• Provide regular training to current and new teachers on the ban on corporal punishment, alternative forms of discipline and counseling.

• Increase the number of teachers to reduce pressure and discipline problems in schools, to improve dialogue between pupils and teachers, and raise the education standards in Kenya.

• Improve monitoring of teachers, guardians or others responsible for and working with and for children to ensure compliance with the ban on corporal punishment.

• Ensure that judicial action is taken against those who carry out corporal punishment in schools, in violation of Legal Notice No. 56. Take measures to facilitate access to justice for child victims and their parents.

• Take a lead in implementing the recommendations of the UN Study on Violence against Children, and for that purpose, set up a task force to develop and implement a national strategy or plan of action on ending violence against children (as recommended by The Cradle in a letter on May 20, 2008).

• Raise awareness among children about their rights, including the right to seek prosecution of those who use violence against them.

We hope that you will consider these as priority issues in your action plans and policies, and would welcome further discussion with you on our findings and recommendations.




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