English, asked by pratikshayathakuri, 1 month ago

how to write a story with the help of outlines man with a basket​


Answered by issuatstudy090

Once there lived a rich merchant who had a son. As the sun grew up he began to move in the bad company of friends. He spends money recklessly and develops bad habits of smoking and drinking. The Merchant was very shocked to know about this. The merchant and his wife advised their son many times to give up this bad company and bad habits but the boy did not hear his parent's advice.

One day a merchant bought a basket of fresh apples to his home. The boy wanted to eat them, but his father said,” I will give you all these apples tomorrow.” Without telling the boy the Merchant gave him a rotten apple and said,” Place it among the other apps and put the basket in the kitchen.”The boy did so.

The next day the Merchant asked his son to bring the basket from the kitchen. The boy was very surprised to see that all the apples had become rotten. The Merchant now had a chance to give his son some good advice. He said,” My son just one rotten apple has spoiled the whole basket of apples; similarly one bad boy spoils many good boys. Therefore you should avoid Bad Company.” It had the desired effect on the boy and he gave up bad company Forever.

Moral of the Story: A black sheep infects the whole flock.

HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!

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