How to write an analytical paragraph ?
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Introductory sentence explaining what you'll cover in the paragraph (sort of like a mini-thesis) Analysis point. Evidence (either passages from the text or data/facts) that supports the analysis. (Repeat analysis and evidence until you run out of examples)
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• How to write an analytical paragraph ?
✎ The analytical paragraph has to be written in around 100-120 words. So the paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with providing complete details of the chart given in the question. There will be an internal choice given.
✎ You need to attempt one question out of the two questions of analytical paragraphs given as a choice. The question carries 5 marks.
✎ An analytical paragraph shall be divided into three parts-
2.)Body of the paragraph
Format of Analytical paragraph writing :
Introduction :
(explain in one or two lines the subject of the graph given)
Body :
(explain in detail what the graph is about, use relevant figures, explain trends, make comparisons and contrasts, divide into sub paragraphs, if required)
Conclusion :
(conclude the paragraph giving the overall view or summary of the graph)
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