English, asked by rushaestubbs, 11 months ago

how to write an essay on should boys and girls attend separate schools


Answered by graghoons

Here is a decant template. . .


Paragraph One - Introduction

Sentence 1: States the premise that the essay will address (you can simply rephrase the words in the task).

Today it is a popular belief that students attending high school should volunteer in the community as part of their schooling.

Sentence 2: States your opinion in the matter.  (which better be disagree)

I strongly Disagree with this notion.

Sentence 3: Briefly outlines what you are going to write in the next two paragraphs to support your opinion.

Volunteer work can provide young people with the experiences they need for paying jobs and it can also help them see themselves as valuable contributors to society.

Paragraph Two - Body

Sentence 1 (topic sentence): Tells the reader what this paragraph is about by introducing your first point.

When completing compulsory work activities with charitable organizations or community organizations, students gain skills that they can add to their resumes and use in future jobs.

Sentence 2: Assumes that the reader doesn’t know anything about this topic and explains your point clearly.

Working out in the real world quickly teaches young people the importance of time management, clear communication and teamwork.

Sentence 3: Gives a real life or made up example that illustrates and supports this point.

Employers like McDonald’s restaurants, who provide many young people with their first paying jobs, look for volunteer work on resumes as evidence of having developed some relevant work skills.

Sentence 4: Concedes to a relevant opposing position but redirects to yours.

So, although students are not paid for their time, they are building valuable abilities for future employment.

Paragraph Three - Body – Repeat the above

Sentence 1 (topic sentence): Tells the reader what this paragraph is about by introducing second point.

Perhaps even more importantly, when students volunteer, they are more likely to realize that their actions have a positive impact on the world around them.

Sentence 2: Assumes that the reader doesn’t know anything about this topic and explains your point clearly.

Often the problems of our world can seem overwhelming but if students are given the opportunity to help others, even in a small way, they will see that they can make a difference.

Sentence 3: Gives a real life or made up example that illustrates and supports this point.

In schools that have been running these programs, there has been an incredible boost in student morale and the community has benefitted from the talent and time that young people have contributed to the many programs that need support.

Sentence 4: Concedes to a relevant opposing position but redirects to yours.

It’s true that studying for academics is time-consuming and students already have a lot to do in a day but if we teach them how to step up and help others, we create a better future for us all.

Paragraph Four – Conclusion

Sentence 1: Rephrase your opinion and sum up your two supporting points.

In conclusion, it is a great idea to have unpaid community service as part of a high school program because it will help the next generation prepare for employment and it will build a caring community that is willing and able to make our world a better place.

Sentence 2: Make a prediction or a recommendation based on what you have said.

It’s my hope to see this in every school.

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