how to write as a parents to teacher permission to extra class in covid 19 setuation
Key Messages & Actions
Basic principles
Following basic principles can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe at school and help stop the
spread of this disease. Recommendations for healthy schools are:
• Sick students, teachers and other staff should not come to school
• Schools should enforce regular hand washing with safe water and soap, alcohol rub/hand
sanitizer or chlorine solution and, at a minimum, daily disinfection and cleaning of school
• Schools should provide water, sanitation and waste management facilities and follow
environmental cleaning and decontamination procedures
• Schools should promote social distancing (a term applied to certain actions that are taken to
slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease, including limiting large groups of people
coming together)
Know the latest facts
Understand basic information about coronavirus disease (COVID-19), including its symptoms,
complications, how it is transmitted and how to prevent transmission. Stay informed about COVID-19
through reputable sources such as UNICEF, WHO and national health ministry advisories. Be aware
of fake information/myths that may circulate by word-of-mouth or online.
Ensure safe school operations
See ‘Checklist on Safe School Environments’ below
Update or develop school emergency and contingency plans. Work with officials to guarantee schools
are not used as shelters, treatment units, etc. Consider cancelling any community events/meetings
that usually take place on school premises, based on risk.
Reinforce frequent handwashing and sanitation and procure needed supplies. Prepare and maintain
handwashing stations with soap and water, and if possible, place alcohol-based hand rub (hand
sanitizers) in each classroom, at entrances and exits, and near lunchrooms and toilets.
Clean and disinfect school buildings, classrooms and especially water and sanitation facilities at least
once a day, particularly surfaces that are touched by many people (railings, lunch tables, sports
equipment, door and window handles, toys, teaching and learning aids etc.)
Implement social distancing practices that may include:
• Staggering the beginning and end of the school day
• Cancelling assemblies, sports games and other events that create crowded conditions
• When possible, create space for children’s desks to be at least one metre apart
• Teach and model creating space and avoiding unnecessary touch
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