How to write this?

good morning to everyone this is your name and I am going to share my views on action speaks Than words
in today's world practical aspects of life way more than theoretical. life is full of hazards and to overcome these obstacles of life a person must strive to be practical and stop wasting his precious time on unnecessary preaching. in other words he must be a man of action to get real success in life. many great personalities of history had put into practice what their conscience had told them to do and had acted according to their beliefs. precious time must be converted into moments of action to get real success in life. on the contrary life should be mounted on a firm basis of action get real success in life. in our dynamic world success and happiness depend on action but not on theory or empty words
at the end of the day whatever your actions maybe will show what you are trying to prove and if you are talking nothing is happening but when you are actions take place you are actually engaging in this behaviour so friends actions show who someone really but words only show who someone wants to be.