how to write twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve
To write twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve in digits, you should pay attention towards the numbering places...
Twelve thousand is in thousands position ( 1000) = 12000
Twelve hundred is in hundred position ( 100) = 1200
Twelve is in tenth place 1 = 12
Now add three numbers :
12000+1200+12 = 13212 answer is in number digits.
Twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve is written as 121212.
- Prior to the creation of numbers, counting was done with some sort of physical object, such a stick or a stone. Following then, markings and lines for numbering various things lasted for a very long time on rocks and pottery. Consequently, a standard counting system, a mathematical language for expressing numbers using digits or symbols, had to be adopted. The numerical system or numeration system refers to this. Further, the statistics evolved differently in various nations and eras.
- A numeral system is a way of representing a number that is used to convey it consistently in mathematics. The Hindu-Arabic numeral system is the most widely used one. It was invented in India and is presently utilised all over the world. It is regarded as a base-10 positioning system.
- In the international numeral system, the place values of digits are arranged in the following order: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundred thousands, millions, ten million, and so on.
Here, according to the given information, we are given that,
Twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve.
Now, twelve thousand in numbers is written as 12000.
Twelve hundred in numbers is written as 1200.
Twelve in numbers is written as 12.
Then, Twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve in numbers is written as,
Hence, twelve thousand twelve hundred and twelve is written as 121212.
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