how us oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings
Transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide occurs with the help of respiratory pigment called hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin, the iron containing respiratory pigment is a red colored pigment of blood, which has a very high affinity for oxygen. Hemoglobin though is purple colored but oxy-hemoglobin is of bright red color. Oxygen is transported from lungs to the body cells in the form of oxy-hemoglobin.
Carbon-dioxide is transported from the body cell to the lungs in the forms of carboxy-hemoglobin, carbonic acid, bicarbonates of sodium and potassium.
♥ Transport of oxygen - Haemoglobin present in the blood takes up the oxygen from the air in the lungs . It carries the oxygen to tissues which are deficient in oxygen before releasing it .
♥ Transport of carbon dioxide - Carbon
dioxide is more soluble in water .
Therefore , it is mostly transported from
body tissues in the dissolved form in our
blood plasma to lungs . It diffuses from
blood to air in the lungs .