How w can you say that jazz player is a pathetic figure, but at the same time a powerful artist?
The jazz musician can be called pathetic since he is always seen to be sorrowful and remorseful over life. His music also portrays his emotions. Explanation: The tones not only capture and reflect his mood but also make the listeners feel the same.
i understood your question
here is your answer
the poem vividly describes an old jazz player and how he is transformed when he plays the music he loves
the jazz player has a rough unshaven face and sagging stomach he wears a faded blue shirt a loose necktie and an old alto saxophone supported from his neck by a wire coat hanger the jazz player at first has a weary expression on his face he keeps his head down and appears lifeless when it is his turn to play. He lifts the saxophone to his lips suddenly he is filled with a new life he is no longer a helpless old man there is power in his music which draws people to listen the poet says that now he is no longer a ordinary man he is like a bird flying higher and higher totally lost in the beautiful music he produces.