English, asked by AnandMishra3135, 1 year ago

How was bruno brought back to bangalore from mysore


Answered by sabanaz20032001

Introduction of the lesson- THE BOND OF LOVE


This is the story of love and friendship between an animal and a human being. One day the author found a bear cub in a field. He took it home and presented it to his wife. The bear and the author’s wife developed great love for each other. When the bear grew up, it was sent to the zoo at Mysore. She became very sad. After three months, she visited the zoo. The bear, whose name was Baba, at once recognized her and danced with happiness. She came back. But she could not live without the bear. So she got the permission of the zoo superintendent to get the bear back. A special place was made at home for the grown up bear. Now both the bear and the writer’s wife were happy. The story shows that animals too have as much love and affection as human beings have.


(यह एक जानवर एवं मनुष्य के बीच दोस्ती की कहानी है । एक दिन लेखक को एक खेत में रीछ का बच्चा मिला । वह उसे घर ले आया और उसे अपनी पत्नी को भेंट किया । रीछ ओंर लेखक की पानी के बीच एक-दूसरे के लिए बहुत प्यार विकसित हो गया । जब ऱीछ बड़ा हो गया तो उसे मैसूर के चिहियाघर में भेज दिया गया । वह बहुत उदास हो गई । तीन महीने बाद वह चिड़ियाघर गई । रीछ, जिसका नाम बाबा था, ने उसे पहचान लिया और खुशी से नाचने लगा । वह वापस आ गई । मगर वह रीछ के बिना नहीं रह सकती थी । उसने चिड़ियाघर के अधीक्षक से रीछ को वापस ले जाने र्का अनुमति ले ली । इस विकसित रीछ के लिए घर में विशेष स्थान बनाया गया । अब रीछ एवं लेखक की पत्नी, दोनों ही बहुत प्रसन्न थे । कहानी बताती है कि जानवरों में भी उतना ही प्यार एवं स्नेह होता है जितना मनुष्यों में ।)

Introduction (2):


“The Bond of Love” is a fascinating account of an orphaned sloth bear who was rescued by the author Kenneth Anderson and gifted to his wife as a pet. This playful baby bear grew friendly not only with the people around him but also with the two Alsatian dogs in the family. The bear’s intelligence, playful nature, memory and sense of affection won everyone’s heart, especially that of the author’s wife.


The theme of the story is that even wild animals like sloth bears have emotions, affection, and deep bonds. The story is developed around the concept that love is reciprocal. Even animals respond sincerely to the affection and care shown to them by human beings. In fact the emotional bond that animals form is so strong that they do not easily forget those who care for and love them.



The title of the story “The Bond of Love” is quite appropriate as the contents of the story focus on a relationship of love and affection between human beings and animals. The narrator, through the medium of his wife and her pet sloth bear, reveals that love transcends even the barrier of species. The pets reared with sincere love and affection develop an unbreakable bond with their human caretakers.

sabanaz20032001: helpful
Answered by rameshsalunke456
the authors wife was worried about the Bruno s health . so she requested her husband to take her to my sore to meet Bruno.but author refused for almost 3 months . so at last after 3 months she was at mysore to meet Bruno . after meeting and all the authors wife requested the superintendent to send Bruno to house and the person agreed it and sent the Bruno house back to banglore
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