How was Mendeleev periodic table organized
Mendeleev organised his periodic table in the increasing order of atomic masses and also depending upon the type of compounds formed by the elements on reacting with oxygen and hydrogen.....
°°°Mendeleev's periodic Table°°°
♦ Mendeleev's periodic table contains vertical columns called 'groups' and horizontal rows call 'periods'.
♦ There are in all eight groups, i.e., group I to group VIII. Each of these groups from I to VII is divided into two sub-groups : A and B. Group VIII has no sub group. Inert gases were not known at that time.
♦ All elements of a sub-group ( or of the group VIII, which has no sub-group) have similar properties and show the same valency, which is equal to the group number ( for upto Group IV ) or group number subtracted from eight ( for Groups V-VII ).
♦ In a period, elements gradually change from metallic to a non-metallic character or metallic character decreases as one moves from left to right across the horizontal row.