How was Silk invented ?
The idea for silk first came to Leizu while she was having tea in the imperial gardens. A cocoon fell into her tea and unraveled. ... Leizu then discovered how to combine the silk fibers into a thread. She also invented the silk loom that combined the threads into a soft cloth.
According to Chinese legend, silk was discovered in 2640 BC by the third wife of China's third Emperor. While she was having tea underneath a mulberry tree in the garden, a small cocoon fell from the tree into her cup of hot tea. She was surprised to see the cocoon start to unravel, revealing a long delicate thread.
According to Chinese myth, sericulture and the weaving of silk cloth was invented by Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih, the wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor who is said to have ruled China in about 3,000 BC. Hsi-Ling-Shi is credited with both introducing sericulture and inventing the loom upon which silk is woven.
the silk was probably invented mistakenly , as it is known that , the cocoon fakken into the boiling chinese tea , and the boiling , separated the fibres from the dead insect
the methid was kept as a secret by the Chinese empires for many years
hope it was helpful
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