How was the economic development of India visualised in the early decades after independence
How was the economic development of India visualised in the early decades after Independence?
There is a free press, as well as an independent judiciary. The fact that the people of India speak different languages or practice different faiths, has not come in the way of national unity. Some parts of India and some groups of Indians have benefited a great deal from economic development. They live in large houses and dine in expensive restaurants, send their children to expensive private schools and take expensive foreign holidays. At the same time, many others continue to live below the poverty line. Housed in urban slums or living in remote villages on lands that yield little, they cannot afford to send their children to school.
Within a short time of gaining independence, India was confronted with the issue of economic development and lifting a large population out of poverty. To address this problem, a development plan had to be developed.
During the early decades after Independence, India's economic development was visualized in the following ways:-
- To help develop and execute economic policies, the government established a planning commission in 1950.
- The mixed economy model was endorsed. Here, Both the private sector and the government can contribute to boosting production and creating jobs within this system.
- It was the duty of Planning Commission to define which industries should commence by the state and which by the market. Moreover, finding the best way to achieve balance between the different regions and states.
- In 1956, the second five-year plan was created, focusing on the expansion of heavy industries like steel and the construction of big dams.
- These sectors were supposed to be under state control. This emphasis on heavy industry and efforts to regulate the economy by the government were to dominate economic policy for the following few decades.