How was the education policy unfavourable of economic development of veitnam ???
hii , good morning
The education policy was unfavorable to the Vietnamese students during the colonial period because:
(a) In Vietnam, the school textbooks glorified the French and justified that the colonial rule by stating that the peasants are no longer in terror and there is peace in the country
(6) In the school textbooks, the Vietnamese were represented as primitive, backward, manual labourers and skilled copyist.
They are not intellectual, not creative and cannot rule themselves.
(c) In the year 1907, Tonkin Free School was set up for providing western style education in Vietnam that focused on science, hygiene and French. The approach of this school was to make them modern which is not possible just by the science and western ideas but also by the adoption of the western looks such as having a short hair and keeping hygiene.
Vietnamese about their culture and customs. It was thought that the Vietnamese were unprivileged and are skilled copyist. They are not creative. They were thought that because of French the Vietnamese were able to live in calm and peace.
French tried to modernise the Vietnamese and hence encouraged the cutting of there hair. It was thought that to be morden , they have to look modern. As the Vietnamese traditional kept long hair it was a major attack at there original identity.
And hence, the Vietnamese were not interested in the colonial studies