How was today's class of M. Hamel different from the usual class ?
The day Franz got late for the school, he found M. Hamel’s class very different. That day the class was unusually quiet. His classmates were already seated. M. Hamel in his best Sunday dress was marching up and down. The class was packed to capacity. Even the elderly of the village were sitting at the last desks. The entire class was looking quite somber.
The day when Franz was late for school, he observed a very different atmosphere in the school as well as his own class. Mr. M Hamel, who otherwise seemed to be very strict, was behaving really politely that day. He was wearing his green coat and the embroidered hat that he wore only on special occasions. Also, the last benches which were always left empty, were filled with the village people listening attentively to what their teacher was speaking.
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