Science, asked by lalithagowda556, 7 months ago

how water is important for us?what is roughage ?Examples of food items that are rice in roughage?Importance of roughage please answer this questions for school FA for class 10th ​


Answered by ritanshu80


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What Is Roughage, and Why Is It Important to Eat It?

Written by SaVanna Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LD on May 13, 2019

What it is


Foods list

Bottom line

Health experts have long recommended consuming roughage, commonly called fiber, to improve digestive health (1Trusted Source).

Roughage is the portion of plant foods, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, that your body can’t digest.

However, it’s an important food source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. It may also aid weight management and decrease certain risk factors for heart disease.

This article explains what roughage is, reviews its benefits, and provides a list of roughage-rich foods.

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What is roughage?

Roughage, or fiber, refers to the carbs in plants that your body cannot digest. This article uses the terms roughage and fiber interchangeably.

Once roughage reaches your large intestine, it’s either broken down by your gut bacteria or exits your body in your stools (2Trusted Source).

There are two main types of fiber — soluble and insoluble. Most foods high in roughage contain a combination of these but are usually richer in one typ

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