How we can become a moderator ?
Yes, we can be a brainly moderator.
For that, first we have to join the Brainly Stars team.
To join the Brainly Stars team, you have to follow the following rules and regulations: -
- Become an active user
➡️Be active in answering, and make sure it is not copied.
- You shouldn't copy answers from websites and previous answers.
➡️Try to give your best while answering. Your answer shouldn't be copied otherwise it will be removed by mod.
- Report answers that are incorrect.
➡️If you ever see an incorrect answer, report it.
- Don't spam.
- Be friendly with other users and don't abuse them.
➡️Don't use derogatory languages for other users. Always respect others.
- Answer at least 60+ words.
➡️Always try to answer 60+ words and 5-6 lines with full explanation.
- Always be ready to help other users.
➡️Try to help others as much as you can. No one has ever become poor by giving. :')
Hope this helps!! :D
1.)Give best and better quality answers :
Do your best! Always try to give the best. Help the users here actively, that's what we need.
2.)Be a brainly protector :
Be a brainly protector by reporting spam and copied answers. Never let our brainly down by the spammers!
3.) FIRST STEP IS TO BECOME » Brainly star
then benefactor then if you completed all targets you can be Moderator......!!
If you want to become a moderator, you'll have to submit an application form to the brainly administration. If you scroll down the web page, you will find a "help" option. Click on that and then go to brainly community for further help
Hope it helps u ^_^