How we can make a simple pendulum clock
How we can make a simple pendulum clock?
answer:If you want to make a pendulum clock that is simpler and easier you can leave out all the stuff with the moon disk. Then you will build just the pendulum and escapement part. How long does this clock run? It varies a bit but with a six foot string on it my clock runs a little longer than a minute.
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Will's Tips on Creativity Are you interested in the creative process and how a project like this comes about? The path I took to make this project was quite interesting. I built three different clocks and went through a whole lot of drawings to get to the finished project. Yu can learn more abut the creative process I took here: The creativity of it: the Wizard's Pendulum Clock
About this Project:
This is a simple pendulum clock and while it doesn't actually keep time in terms of hours and minutes it does work exactly like a clock. It has three distinct parts that are important to clock making. First it has a weight that drives it and gives it power. Second it has a pendulum that gives it the accuracy of a clock. And third it has something called an escapement which keep the pendulum going and gives a rhythmic pulse that can be used to drive the time keeping portion of our clock.
Escapements are quite remarkable and I have more
about them right here: About Clock Escapements.
What you Will Need to Make this Project:
2 Sheets of foamboard Elmer's 900802 Foam Board, White Surface with White Core, 20 x30 (Pack of 10)
Hot glue gun or some type of glue
about 2 feet of quarter inch wooden dowel
about six feet of string
Something for counterweights ( I use a total of 11 AA batteries.
About six inches of wire
Paints as you prefer to paint it.
Glue stick - optional but nice to have
A sharp hobby knife - I use an xacto knife
The template for this project is right here
Note from Will: The Template and this tutorial is absolutely free! But would you consider a donation of $1 to support my work? Paypal makes it very easy and safe. Click here to donate $1 - Every little bit helps Will to keep making great tutorials and templates. Thanks!
You can simplify this project
If you want to make a pendulum clock that is simpler and easier you can leave out all the stuff with the moon disk. Then you will build just the pendulum and escapement part.
How long does this clock run?
It varies a bit but with a six foot string on it my clock runs a little longer than a minute.
How does this clock work?
The parts of the wizards pendulum clock
Let's take a look at the clock.
There is a weight on a string inside the clock. It is attached to the drive wheel. This weight pulls down and causes the wheel to turn.
This turning of the wheel causes the drive pin to push on the pendulum. It pushes it in a back and forth motion as the wheel turns.