How we convert archive file to non archive file in pc?
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No matter what you use your computer for, sooner or later you will want to archive some of your folders that contain information you want to keep but that you rarely access. Archiving your folders, especially if you compress, or zip them first, will separate the files you’re actively working on and free up disc space on your hard drive. Archived folders are stored in a special folder or location, and they are still easily accessed. In the Windows system, you can archive folders without compressing them. The Mac operating system allows you to compress (sometimes referred to as “zip”) files and folders, which is the same as compressing them; the Mac OS considers a compressed or zipped folder to be archived.
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- An archives of the file is a file that consists of many files with there metadata compressed from so that it can be easily stored and can be shared with anybody.
- Archiving a file is important so should a proper back up of the compressed life can be maintained by the system. We can take the decision by seeing the data of the archival file if we need it's back up or not.
{hope it's help }
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