How we correct mistakes in a democracy
Democracy allows us to correct our own mistake. as in this the main power is with the citizens so if they make a wrong choice in choosing the representative then it can be changed. they can vote others and the mistake would be corrected.
Yes,Democracy allow us to correct our own mistakes.
First of all what is democracy ?
It is the form of government in which we elect our own representatives to run the government.
Democracy has been defined as for the people, to the people and by the people by Abraham Lincon.
As we know,in democracy we vote for our favorite representative.Also during election many representatives make certain promises.Under the influence of that,many people vote for them.But when they come in power the do nothing.So it actually becomes a mistake.
But democracy allows us to correct that mistake i.e. next time we can vote wisely and only vote to the one who deserves and will fulfill all the promises.