How we made from waste to wealth in kota city raj
Everybody is aware that waste is posing a great danger in future human society, if not managed scientifically.
Various types of wastes produced by the society are dumped and scattered on the roads or in river water. Another alarming fact is that only about fifty percent are getting treatment.
This is the reason for severe pollution of land, air, and water and biosphere causing severe health problems. The increased incidence of epidemics is an indicator for this situation.
Moreover, the unmitigable damage is being caused to the environment and therefore, a safe dependable waste management and disposal system are the needed. Following are the ways of conversion of waste to wealth:
• Separating the combustible wastes and use as a fuel in a boiler
• Vegetable wastes for making organic manure
• Metallic water recycle in metallurgical works
• Plastic material recycled for making different plastic items by a suitable process