Math, asked by Joydep, 11 months ago

How we play the contract.


Answered by NailTheArtist2

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<p style="color:red">In the bidding phase, the dealer makes the first call, either a pass or a bid, and the auction proceeds clockwise until it is ended by three successive players saying “Pass.” The final bid becomes the “contract.” This means that one pair has contracted to make a certain number of tricks (six plus the number indicated in the bid) in a particular suit or in notrump.

The first player to name the suit of the final contract – or the first to bid notrump, if that is the case – becomes the “declarer.” The person to the left of the declarer makes the opening lead, and the declarer’s partner, the “dummy,” places his hand face up on the table. At this point, the “dummy” becomes an observer while his partner, the “declarer,” plays the cards from his own and the “dummy” hand.</p>

<p style="color:blue">Bridge is played with four people sitting at a card table using a standard deck of 52 cards (no jokers). The players across from each other form partnerships as North‑South and East‑West.

Each deal consists of three parts – the auction, where the four players bid in a clockwise rotation describing their hands, the play, where the side that wins the bidding auction tries to take the tricks necessary to fulfill their contract, and scoring.

Bidding is the language of bridge. Its purpose is to relay information about the strengths and weaknesses of each player’s hand to his partner. A bid consists of a number and a suit (spades (♠), hearts (♥), diamonds (♦), clubs (♣) or notrump (NT), a designation indicating no trump suit). The suits are assigned value with notrump the highest and clubs the lowest. A one heart bid means the pair intends to take six tricks plus one, or seven tricks total, with hearts as trump.</p>



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