English, asked by qwert18, 1 year ago

how were the first, second and third citizens important in Julius Caesar?


Answered by locomaniac


first, second and third citizen were indeed important in Julius Caesar. They made Antony deliver his speech and persuaded him to tell plebeians about the will.
if they were not there questioning Antony time and again, who knows the Romans could ever know about Caesar and his great works. Hearing public allows readers to know about the facts that are revealed.It was only this hearing public that came to burn the houses of conspirators i.e cassius and Brutus. Rome was independent and free of any ruler hence, people were the only one who took all important decisions. In Julius Caesar the plebeians are certainly fickle minded. At first, they thought that the conspirators were right in assassinating Caesar for the good of Rome but later when Mark Antony delivers his speech they are moved to tears and are angry about conspirators doing so. In whole, I would like to write that the first, second and third citizens were there to create the scene bit more interesting.
As it is a drama, it is necessary for it to become absolutely real such that readers are lost reading it.


hope it helps :-)

qwert18: thanks, thanks,etc,...
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