how were the kingdoms of the rashtrakutas,gurjara-pratiharas and the palas established
Rashrakutas: The Rashtrakutas had Kannada origin and their mother tongue was Kannada. The Rashtrakuta dynasty was founded by Dantidurga in 8th Century AD. He was instrumental in establishing Rashtrakutas as a paramount power in the Deccan. He captured Malwas from the Gurjaras after defeating them. He also defeated Kirtivarman II and annexed the Chalukya kingdom.
He was succeeded by Krishna I who was also a great empire builder. Krishna I earned victories against the eastern Chalukyas of Vengi and the Gangas. He is known for building the rock-cut monolithic Kailasa temple at Ellora. He was succeeded by Govinda III.
Pratiharas: The dynasty of Gurjar Pratiharas was founded by Harichandra in 6th century AD. They remained influential till 11th century AD. It is said that they originated from Ujjain or Mandsaur. Nagabhatta-I was the first important ruler of this dynasty. He ruled from 730 AD to 756 AD. His kingdom was including Gwalior, Bharuch and Malwa. Awani was the capital of his kingdom.
Palas: Pala dynasty was founded by Gopala in 750 AD, who was a chieftain earlier but later became the king of Bengal. In fact, he was the first Buddhist king of Bengal. He had established his dominance after Gauda dynasty lost their stronghold in Kamarupa. When he died, Bengal and most of the part of Bihar was under his control.