how were the liberals, radicals and conservatives different from one another their ideas and perspectives?
Difference are :
(i) Liberals: They believed in changing the society. They wanted a nation which tolerated all religions. They wanted to safeguard the rights of individuals against government. However, they thought that only propertied men should have the right to vote. They also did not want women to vote.
ii) Radicals: In contrast, they believed in the rule of majority of the country’s population. They opposed the privileges of the landowners and factory owners and supported women’s right to vote.
iii ) Conservatives: They opposed both the liberals and radicals. Earlier they opposed any kind of change but by the nineteenth century, they accepted the change but believed that the past has to be respected and change had to be brought through a slow process.
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Conservatives: Conservatives believe in, as the name implies, conservation. They believe in small, practical changes, if any at all. They weigh in heavily on traditions and legacy as far as social structures are concerned. They are suspicious of big changes and big ideas. (Some add property rights, inequality-as-inevitable and law-and-order aspects, but honestly there are other philosophies that have those, so I don’t consider them really identifying.) The word arose after the French Revolution, with people wanting to roll back the sheer amount of change occurring.
Liberals: Liberals believe in liberty and equality. It’s important to remember, liberalism as a philosophy started in the Enlightenment, and sought liberty from oppressive monarchy and equality so that no other monarch could come back in. It’s the philosophy of the French and American Revolutions.
As ideologies they are orthogonal and non-overlapping.
Now, Radicalism can mean many things, but in our case, the two meanings that matter are: 1. relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough, or 2. characterized by departure from tradition.