How were the life of people effective by the British rule
His uncle was a temple trustee for the local temple in the late 20s. The villagers wanted to celebrate the annual temple festival with fireworks and they procured some raw materials for the same. All hell broke loose. The police registered a case and initiated action for prosecution of the trustee on the charge of possessing explosives!! Those were the early days of independence movement. The police considered the fire works as explosives.
Our family was shaken and deeply disturbed. Family's prestige was at stake. My grandpa told us that they tried to reason with the police inspector but he wouldn't listen and was bent upon proceeding with the case . Someone even tried to negotiate with the inspector a bribe of twenty tolas of gold ( 220 gms apprx). But the inspector wouldn't relent. ( at least one should appreciate the incorruptibility here)
To these worried men, someone brought some useful information that the district collector, a white ICS, would be passing through the nearby village road the next day on his way to taluk head quarters. These men and a group of villagers gathered with garlands and some dry fruits and waited on the road. There came a dignified and authoritative looking white officer riding his BSA motor bike . He pulled over on the road side and asked in broken local lingo what was the commotion about. They garlanded him and offered the eatables and explained him that they were peace loving agriculturists and lived by family honour, far removed from any notion of violence. And that they were only preparing fireworks for the festivities and absolutely innocent of any kind of explosives. But the local inspector was harassing them by booking a false case against them that would badly hurt the family honour.
The white man somehow saw the truth in their disclosure. No one would have dared to come in front and say lies to the authority must have been his inner feeling.Whatever, he asked them to see him in the local court. Those days the district collector was also a first class magistrate. He heard them fully and the police inspector. He drew his own conclusion and announced that the inspector was absolutely lacking in diligence to distinguish fireworks from explosives and correctly gauze the motives of the people he booked. The uncle was acquitted of all charges and the police inspector was chided for lacking in the required prudence and diligence. The village celebrated with full fervor. And my grandpa told this story with all admiration for the fairness of the collector and his able situation appraisal capability to see through the truth uninfluenced by the subordinate staff. He was full of awe, praise and respect. He affirmed that was justice well done !!