How were the slaves in the Cape punished and sentenced?
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The Tulbagh Code of 1754 gives some indication of all the rules slaves had to abide by. Ryk Tulbagh was the governor of the Cape Colony at the time. The Tulbagh Code included the following rules:
Slaves have to be indoors after 10pm; if they were out, they had to carry a lantern
Slaves could not ride horses or wagons in the streets
Slaves could not sing, whistle or make any other sound at night
Slaves could not meet in bars, buy alcohol or form groups on public holidays
Slaves could not gather near the entrance of a church during a church service
Slaves who stopped in the street to talk to other slaves could be driven off, with canes if necessary
Slaves who insulted or falsely accused a freeman were to be flogged and chained
Slaves who struck a slave-holder were to be shown no mercy and put to death
Slaves were not permitted to own or carry guns
The VOC also punished slaves. Slaves who tried to escape were whipped, mutilated or branded. Those slaves who attacked their owners or their property (such as setting fire to the crops or house) were executed, often by barbarous methods: breaking on the wheel, impaling, burning alive or slow strangulation. Some slaves were also tortured to get information from them. We know from reading books and diaries that some visitors to the Cape were shocked by the violent punishment of slaves.
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